who we are

Polka Dot Pearl is an internet based children's boutique. 

I (Lindsey) am the all around boutique lady. I order, design, sell etc. I also enjoy living on our hobby farm and hanging out with my kids and animals. We currently have 2 dogs, 2 mini horses, 2 goats and a few dozen chickens. It's crazy fun out here.

Matt is the brains of the operation. He is a college professor, business owner and all around super guy. He has no hobbies, because all his spare time is spent hanging out with his family, feeding the animals and doing homework as he works on getting his PhD.

Lola is the baby helper. She is 7 yrs old and does a great job entertaining children/animals while I attempt to get work done. Lola is a fierce cancer fighter who shows me daily how strong she is!! She loves fairies and her dog Roxy.

Kia is the entertainer. She can often be found singing songs from barbie movies and dancing. She is an all around funny girl. We adopted Kia from Ethiopia 5 yrs ago and are so thankful that she is part of our family!

Pearl is the littlest of our girls. She's pushing 1 yr old, and loves to eat, nap and pull on the dogs. 

And that's who we are :)